Since the Winter Semester of 2012/13 new Bachelor and Master Courses have been introduced step by step at the Tübingen University of Sacred Music in the fields of Sacred Music B and A Diplomas, implementing the requirements of the Bologna Study Reform. The previous B und A-Diploma courses have been thoroughly reformed in structure and content in the process. The introduction of specialised courses aims to react to ever-changing professional requirements and to comply with the Bologna recommendation of individual areas of study focus.
In addition postgraduate programmes are offered in certain subjects.
COURSES currently on offer at the Tübingen University of Sacred Music:
BACHELOR-Course Sacred Music B
with the following profiles:
- Sacred Music B with General Profile (Module Overview and Module Descriptions)
- Sacred Music B with Popular Music Profile (Module Overview and Module Descriptions)
[- Sacred Music B with Pedagogical Profile (course just under reconstruction)]
MASTER-Course Sacred Music A
- Sacred Music A with General Profile (Module Overview and Module Descriptions)
MASTER-Course Sacred Popular Music (Module Overview and Module Descriptions)
You can find the complete Conditions of Study and Examinations and the Module Handbook in our Information Centre.
Artistic Postgraduate Courses (KA – Künstlerische Ausbildung) in Organ, Organ Improvisation, Choral Conducting:
Details can be found here in the (previous and expiring) Study, Examination and Entrance Regulations
Postgraduate Course Organ
Postgraduate Course Organ Improvisation
Postgraduate Course Choral Conducting
>>> Conditions of Study: follow the above link to (expiring) Diploma courses.
Applying to the University of Sacred Music
Please find the Conditions of Admission, Application Deadlines and Content of the Entrance Examinations in our Information Centre.
Course Catalogue and list of addresses
Here you will find the current course catalogue and list of addresses of the Tübingen University of Sacred Music (HKM), which includes those of our partner University, the Rottenburg University of Catholic Sacred Music.